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  • Schmorl's hernia was first described in the medical scientific literature 90 years ago.
  • The German physician and pathologist Christian (Christian) Schmorl discovered this disease by interpreting the changes that occur under its influence in bodily tissues.
  • He found out that this is a chronic disease, inherited, characterized by an increase in the spinal disc (protrusion) and pressing it into the adjacent vertebrae.
  • When the process occurs in the lumbar region, the hernia is called lumbar.

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What is the difference between Schmorl's hernia and classical hernia. In medicine, the classic vertebral hernia was known much earlier than Schmorl's hernia. Why was it necessary to buy depakote online this particular species? The fact is that classic hernias are horizontal. And hernial formations (Schmorl's nodes) occur in the vertical plane of the spine.

Most often, this pathology is a complication of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Also, along with it, or as a result, a horizontal hernia may occur, disc protrusion may form, spondylosis, stenosis, and spondylarthrosis can be diagnosed. The disease is more common among children and adolescents, as well as patients who have reached the age of 55 years and older. By gender, the disease is not differentiated, since they do not affect the incidence of the disease.

Due to its specificity, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time, the formed nodules do not grow and do not cause discomfort. With age, when the active growth of tissues and the skeleton begins in a teenager, or when the tissue structure changes due to age-related chemical changes, the nodes increase. This contributes to the emergence and intensive development of divalproex pills. lumbar sciatica, Bechterew's disease, osteochondrosis. A hernia is a typical bulge (either protrusion or extrusion) that compresses a nerve, causing back pain, even if it is small. Schmorl's hernia, squeezing out the end plate, enters directly into the vertebral body, without touching the nerves and blood vessels. As long as its growth does not take on rampant proportions, pathology, as a rule, does not cause painful sensations.

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By the way. More often (about 30%), vertical hernias occur in the thoracic region than in the lumbar region. However, for the lumbar region, this is also a fairly common phenomenon, which affects other organs to varying degrees. The causes of Schmorl's lumbar hernia are still not fully understood. There are several equally valid theories, one of divalproex is the growth spurt that occurs during adolescence. Or rather, the difference between the growth rate of bones (slow) and cartilage (fast). The intervertebral cartilage, increasing in size, is first pressed into the vertebra, and then breaks through it, entering inside. Thus, the main forming cause is called the excessively rapid growth of cartilage tissue in childhood and especially adolescence.

In addition, a number of other factors contribute to the development of the disease. In most episodes of the appearance of Schmorl's nodes in the lumbar region, this happens after an injury or a sharp lifting of weights that cause the core of the disc to burst through the endplate.